FDA橘皮书(FDA Orange Book)可能不接受专利的“系统权利要求”
美国联邦巡回法院(the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit)在2023年2月24日再次确认了从美国食品药品管理局的橘皮书(the Food and Drug Administration’s Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalents Evaluation publication )中对Jazz Pharmaceuticals的专利U.S. Patent No. 8,731,963进行撤销的决定。‘963专利的主权利要求包括:用于追踪嗜睡症药物Xyrem®处方的计算机风险评估和缓解策略(Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies(REMS))系统。联邦巡回法院确认了特拉华州地方法院(District Court of Delaware)的判决,即因为’963专利权利要求不是针对药物或者药物使用方法(the drug for which the application was approved; or … an approved method of using the drug),故’963专利不该被列入FDA橘皮书中。
21 U.S.C. § 355(c)(3)(D)(ii)(I) 规定在专利权利要求不包含FDA批准的药物或该药物使用方法的情况下,被诉侵权人可要求专利权人改正或撤销其在FDA橘皮书里登记的专利。
专利被列入FDA橘皮书会为专利权人带来明显的优势,比如在专利权人起诉竞争对手药物专利侵权的情况下,专利权人可在最长30个月内禁止FDA许可被诉药物的新药上市申请(New Drug Application)。给予专利权人如此长的独占期会为各方带来巨大的经济影响,甚至阻碍一些不侵权药物对专利药的公平竞争。尽管FDA橘皮书会带来如此巨大的法律和经济影响,FDA仍长期坚持不审查专利是否有被列入FDA橘皮书的资格。
1. A computer-implemented system for treatment of a narcoleptic patient with a prescription drug that has a potential for misuse, abuse or diversion, comprising:
- one or more computer memories for storing a single computer database having a database schema that contains and interrelates prescription fields, patient fields, and prescriber fields;
- said prescription fields, contained within the database schema, storing prescriptions for the prescription drug with the potential for abuse, misuse or diversion, wherein the prescription drug is sold or distributed by a company that obtained approval for distribution of the prescription drug;
- said patient fields, contained within the database schema, storing information sufficient to identify the narcoleptic patient for whom the company’s prescription drug is prescribed;
- said prescriber fields, contained within the database schema, storing information sufficient to identify a physician or other prescriber of the company’s prescription drug and information to show that the physician or other prescriber is authorized to prescribe the company’s prescription drug;
a data processor configured to:
- process a database query that operates over all data related to the prescription fields, prescriber fields, and patient fields for the prescription drug; and reconcile inventory of the prescription drug before the shipments for a day or other time period are sent by using said database query to identify information in the prescription fields and patient fields;
- wherein the data processor is configured to process a second database query that identifies that the narcoleptic patient is a cash payer and a physician that is interrelated with the narcoleptic patient through the schema of the single computer database;
- said identifying that the narcoleptic patient is a cash payer by said second database query being an indicator of a potential misuse, abuse or diversion by the narcoleptic patient and being used to notify the physician that is interrelated with the narcoleptic patient through the schema of the single computer database.
一审法院特拉华州地方法院认为‘963专利是针对包含一个或多个计算机存储器和一个数据处理器的计算机执行的系统,故此系统权利要求(System Claims)不能被视为方法权利要求。因此,特拉华州地方法院判决‘963专利不符合FDA橘皮书的登记要求。
二审法院联邦巡回法院认可了特拉华州地方法院的判决,并明确了美国联邦食品药品化妆品法案(Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act)和相关法规中提到的“使用方法“专利必须按专利法对方法专利的定义来理解,而不能像Jazz争辩的那样扩大此定义来包含任何使用药物的条件与情形。
本案值得注意的是即使Avadel诉讼成功, Jazz 在‘963专利过期后仍因Xyrem®药物缺少竞争持续获利。这是因为FDA橘皮书给与‘963专利的独占期限持续至2023年6月,且此案件结案日为2023年2月,这两个日期均晚于’963专利的2022年12月过期日。